Copyright 2022 Mark Montgomery
Hello Friends!
Over the past 1.5 years, many musicians have been off work due to the covid pandemic.  I would like to express my condolences to anyone who has lost family members and friends from this terrible plague. People have sharply contrasting view anbout the subject and all the information regarding it.  I urge all of you to be patient with others when discussing these subjects, even though you may have different opinions.  Sometimes it's better to just hear someone out rather than engage in what you don't agree about.  The fact is that we are all tegether in the soame boat.  
Our honeybees have had a fantastic year.  To date, almost all of them have survived the summer and fall. This gives me great hope that some of them will get through the winter months without perishing, as they have in the past few years.  When they survive winter, it puts them weeks ahead on honey production, and saves a lot of money when I have to start over.  And because I spend thousands in the spring, I would be most gratefull for you to consider purchasing some delicious Blue Moon Honey.  This helps me recoup my costs for livestock and fuel.  In the past year, I have also been fortunate to complete a few more song videos that are also published on my youtube page.​  

My youtube page:


I am very grateful to the many venues who have been fortunate enough to survive the pandemic. Unfortunately, many fine establishments did not. My hat is off to all of them, and to all the restaurant employees who were upended during this time.

I hope as you are reading this, you are well and happy. Thanks for your continued patronage and support! Much love to you and yours!

Blue Moon Apiary. 2023
Hello my friends. 
The bees are wintered down in Kansas City now. The summer was a little dry this past year. This affected the honey flow for the bees.  We did well in May and June on wildflowers in Kansas City. But the last part of summer was very dry in Kansas so it wasn't a great year, but I am fortunate to still be in business.  
Blue Moon Honey is available at three locations in Kansas City: It's a Beautiful Day at 3918 Broadway, Kari's on 39th, and at the gift shop at Knuckleheads. Thank you for your patronage! 

The Blue Moon Apiary- 2022

Greetings friends. Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. 
This past summer was very different from the year before because of the changing weather patterns. I started out with about 10 colonies in two locations in Wyandotte County this year. We had a decent clover bloom here which yielded a reasonable amount of harvest in mid-summer. The nectar producing wild flowers here usually dry up sometime in June, depending on the amount of rain. This is when I will move them to Western Kansas to work a field of Alfalfa owned by a farmer friend. Last year was very productive on this crop, but a week after I moved them this summer, there was no more rain. There were a lot of miles accumulated, with a trip every 10 days to replenish their water supply and check on their conditions.
This endeavor yielded very little honey. But that is the way of managing any livestock. Every farmer plants crops hoping for the best outcome. Sometimes it doesn’t work out. We lick our wounds and forge on with hope for a better season next year. 
But in spite of a difficult season, I have plenty of delicious Blue Moon Honey for sale, just in time for the holidays. I have begun packaging honey in half pint jars for 10 dollars. This makes it more affordable for holiday gifts. Please consider buying a few to give to your friends this winter. 
I appreciate your love and support over these many years. I enjoy working with bees. It is not a high profit business, but a labor of love. With your support, I hope to continue this tradition for many years to come.  
I also am grateful for the many sponsors who have sent donations to keep me going. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. With love, and all the best, Mark